Sunday, December 15, 2013

What I Did on the Project (Eddie Dougherty)

I did  a lot of the posts to the blog such as the motion study, some of the progress updates, and the SolidWorks pictures, both the parts and assemblies. In addition to adding a lot to the blog I contributed by supplying the Lego's that made up the frame and base of the project. I helped a lot with designing this base, putting it together, and figuring out how and where to place the push buttons and LEDs. Also I wrote one page about the parts of the project I contributed most to for the summary on this project.

What I Did on the Project (Christopher Houston)

I wrote the code for each step within the design process; therefore, any changes to the design I wrote the code for it. Additionally,  I wrote a few blog posts, one of which included a video of the working code. Moreover, I wrote a page of the report, which covered the code and how it was implemented.  Furthermore, I wrote code to test the individual pieces before we finalized the design to make sure that each part was working properly before we soldered or glued anything. Also, I helped put the base of the design together.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

What I Did on the Project (Peter Marashio)

I came up with the Solid Works designs and the parts. I made them all using Solid Works. I also was in charge of how they would be connected and how it would relate to the proper motion that we needed. I gathered the servo motor and the addition power supply that was required. I also did all the soldering and wiring for the project. I also did one page of the report that explained the Solid Works parts and designs and the problems that arose with them.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Dates Met, and Time Spent Working

Everyone attended every meeting that was held. The meetings were held as follows.

11/15/13                 Time Spent Working 3 Hrs.
Solid Works and initial Arduino coding done here.

11/19/13                 Time Spent Working 2 Hrs.
Adjusting and submitting the Solid Works parts, adjusting the code as well.

12/6/13                  Time Spent Working 5 Hrs.
Gathering the parts and the beginning of building the entire machine.

12/8/13                  Time Spent Working 5 Hrs.
The Soldering and hot gluing of the electrical components, and modifying the build to house everything as best as it could.

12/10/13                Time Spent Working 3.5 Hrs.
The Wiring of the board was done as well as adjusting the code to make everything work properly.

12/11/13                Time Spent Working 1.5 Hrs.
Final adjustments were made to the overall project.

Total Time Spent Working: Roughly 20 Hours
Time spent working does not include the lab sections where time was given to work on the project.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Progress Update: Week of the 9th (Final Week)

This week we were able to meet up and put the final parts of our project together. We were able to:

  • glue down all buttons and LEDs to the Lego frame
  • wired everything to the Arduino board
  • Test the code to make sure button presses would change LED lights
  • Type a 3 page summary about the project
Also the last part of our project, the wheel that is attached to the main servo, was obtained. Since it was reaching the end of the semester, there wasn't enough time to have the part printed from the 3D printer so instead the piece was laser cut from 1/8 inch Acrylic. Here is what the part looks like:
This next to pictures are what the completed project looks like:
Front View

Back View

Project Assembly Motion Study

Here is a motion study of what our project will do. The "E" shaped piece will move back and forth, pressing one button located at one end of the "E", and then another button at the other end. 

SolidWorks Assembly

Here is a picture of the 3D Printed Parts in assembly view from SolidWorks and also a picture of the assembly in an exploded view:
Assembly view

Exploded Assembly View

Progress Update: Week of Dec. 2nd

This post is a week late but it highlights all that was completed last week. The group met last Friday to put the project together and test out how the 3D printed parts would work. We ran into a problem however when we realized we were missing a very important part since it wasn't with our other printed pieces. This piece was the wheel that would be attached to the main servo motor and the 3D printed Lego piece. Without it, we were able to connect all the other parts and see how they would function but couldn't put the entire project together. However we did accomplish many things while working on the project that day:

  • Putting 3D printed parts together
  • soldering wires to push buttons and LEDs
  • Building a base and frame for the entire project out of Legos
Here are two pictures of what the project looked like so far,

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Some More Code

We decided to leave the push buttons, since the switches were not able to be pushed by the servo motor. While, the buttons were easier to push than originally expected.  So, this is the original code with the motor added to it.  We may have to remove the LCD screen, since there may not be enough pins.  The new code is posted below with the LCD screen unused, since the servo is taking two of its needed pins:

//#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#include <Servo.h>

//LiquidCrystal lcd(5,4,3,2,1,0);     // Intializing the LCD screen's pin connection

Servo myservo1;                     // Creates servo objects to control each servo
Servo myservo2;

const int ledPin13 = 13;            // Intializing each LED's pin connection
const int ledPin12 = 12;    
const int ledPin11 = 11;  
const int ledPin10 = 10;  

int loopCounter = 0;               // Intializing a loop counter
int Mode = 0;                      // Intializing the mode of each sub-system
int switchPin9 = 9;                // Intializing switch pin values
int switchPin8 = 8;
int switchPin7 = 7;
int switchPin6 = 6;
int buttonState1;                  // Intializing the button's state
int buttonState2;      
int buttonState3;      
int buttonState4;      
int value1;                        // Intializing debounce values
int value2;
int value3;
int value4;
int value5;
int value6;
int value7;
int value8;
int pos1 = 0;                      // Intializeing each servo's position    
int pos2 = 0;                          

void setup() {
  buttonState1 = digitalRead(switchPin9);     // Reads the swithch pins
  buttonState2 = digitalRead(switchPin8);  
  buttonState3 = digitalRead(switchPin7);  
  buttonState4 = digitalRead(switchPin6);

  pinMode(switchPin9, INPUT);                 // Set the switch pins as input
  pinMode(switchPin8, INPUT);                
  pinMode(switchPin7, INPUT);                
  pinMode(switchPin6, INPUT);              
  pinMode(ledPin13, OUTPUT);                  // LEDs are set as output
  pinMode(ledPin12, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(ledPin11, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(ledPin10, OUTPUT);

  myservo1.attach(5);                         // attaches the servo to pin 5
  myservo2.attach(4);                         // attaches the servo to pin 4

void loop(){
  value1 = digitalRead(switchPin9);           // Read input value and store it
  delay(10);                                  // 10 milliseconds delay
  value2 = digitalRead(switchPin9);           // Reads the input again to check for bounces
  if (value1 == value2) {                     // Make sure intial readings are consistant
    if (value1 != buttonState1) {             // The button's state changed
      if (value1 == LOW) {                    // Check if button is pressed, then flip mode after use
        if (Mode == 0) {              
            Mode = 1;                    
           } else {                    
               Mode = Mode;                
  buttonState1 = value1;                      // Saves the new state of the variable
  value3 = digitalRead(switchPin8);           // Read input value and store it
  delay(10);                                  // 10 milliseconds delay
  value4 = digitalRead(switchPin8);           // Reads the input again to check for bounces
  if (value3 == value4) {                     // Make sure intial readings are consistant
    if (value3 != buttonState2) {             // The button's state changed
      if (value3 == LOW) {                    // Check if button is pressed, then flip mode after use
        if (Mode == 1) {              
            Mode = 2;                    
        } else {                    
            Mode = Mode;                
  buttonState2 = value3;                      // Saves the new state in our variable
  value5 = digitalRead(switchPin7);           // Read input value and store it
  delay(10);                                  // 10 milliseconds delay
  value6 = digitalRead(switchPin7);           // Reads the input again to check for bounces
  if (value5 == value6) {                     // Make sure intial readings are consistant
    if (value5 != buttonState3) {             // The button's state changed
      if (value5 == LOW) {                    // Check if button is pressed, then flip mode after use
        if (Mode == 2) {            
            Mode = 3;                    
        } else {                    
            Mode = Mode;                  
  buttonState3 = value5;                     // Saves the new state of the variable
  value7 = digitalRead(switchPin6);          // Read input value and store it
  delay(10);                                 // 10 milliseconds delay
  value8 = digitalRead(switchPin6);          // Reads the input again to check for bounces
  if (value7 == value8) {                    // Make sure intial readings are consistant
    if (value7 != buttonState4) {            // The button's state changed
      if (value7 == LOW) {                   // Check if button is pressed, then flip mode after use
        if (Mode == 3) {
            loopCounter++;                   // Adds to loop counter when mode is 0
            Mode = 0;              
        } else {                    
            loopCounter++;                   // Adds to loop counter when mode is 1        
            Mode = Mode;                  
  buttonState4 = value7;                     // Saves the new state of the variable
  //Serial.print("Number of Loops :  ");       // Prints phrase to screen
  //Serial.println(loopCounter);               // Prints number of loops to LCD screen  

  // save the current state as the last state for next time through the loop
  // Lights turn on and off based on the mode indicated

  if (Mode == 0) {
    digitalWrite(ledPin13, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(ledPin12, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ledPin11, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ledPin10, LOW);
    for(pos1 = 0; pos1 < 25; pos1 += 1)     // goes from 0 degrees to 180 degrees in steps of 1 degree
    myservo1.write(pos1);                     // tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos1'
    delay(15);                               // waits 15 milliseconds for the servo to reach the position

  if (Mode == 1) {
    digitalWrite(ledPin13, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ledPin12, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(ledPin11, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ledPin10, LOW);
    for(pos2 = 0; pos2 < 40; pos2 += 1)     // goes from 0 degrees to 180 degrees in steps of 1 degree
    myservo2.write(pos2);                     // tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos2'
    delay(15);                               // waits 15 milliseconds for the servo to reach the position

  if (Mode == 2) {
    digitalWrite(ledPin13, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ledPin12, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(ledPin11, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ledPin10, LOW);
    for(pos1 = 25; pos1 >= 1; pos1 -= 1)    // goes from 180 degrees to 0 degrees in steps of 1 degree
    myservo1.write(pos1);                     // tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos1'
    delay(15);                               // waits 15 milliseconds for the servo to reach the position

  if (Mode == 3) {
    digitalWrite(ledPin13, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ledPin12, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ledPin11, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ledPin10, HIGH);
    for(pos2 = 40; pos2 >= 1; pos2 -= 1)    // goes from 180 degrees to 0 degrees in steps of 1 degree
    myservo2.write(pos2);                     // tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos2'
    delay(15);                               // waits 15 milliseconds for the servo to reach the position
